Passover is coming! Get your Passover Haggadah today!

Rebecca Raphael

Why JewBelong?

"My parents always invited people over for Shabbat dinner, even if they had no Jewish background, and welcomed them without judgment and with helpful explanations of rituals, no JewBarrassment at all. It’s my turn to do the same, and I don’t even have to host dinner to spread the Jewish love and knowledge, thanks to Archie."

Do you have a quick JewBarrassment story?

"I was never Bat Mitzvahed (is that the proper use of that verb? See what I mean?). I felt like it was all about cash & prizes, materialism not spiritualism, but I am still sometimes embarrassed and feel 'not really Jewish' because of it."

  •  If I were on "America's Got Talent," I would read the Haftarah. For real.
  • In high school, I was known for scrunching my curly hair with Aussie Scrunch Spray. Fine, I was also voted Most Likely To Succeed but what does that even mean?
  • I can cook a mean absolutely nothing. Worst cook ever. Not even rice.
  • Bartender! Please make me a tequila on the rocks, extra lime.
  • Best musical? Rent, Hamilton, Billy Elliot.

Rebecca is an LA girl (from the Valley!) turned New Yorker, a mom of three redheads, and a writer/editor specializing in book projects. Rebecca formerly worked as the head of digital for Dr. Phil, Rachael Ray, and Katie Couric. Judaism brings her tremendous joy and meaning.