Passover is coming! Get your Passover Haggadah today!

Rabbi Susan Silverman

Do you have a quick JewBarrassment story?

"In my mid-twenties, I decided in a rush of enlightenment that I wanted to be a rabbi. The fact that I I had no Jewish knowledge or experience did not deter me. On a late Friday afternoon, after a long work week (I was a teacher at a school for at-risk teens) I called HUC-JIR and asked for the Director of Admissions. The receptionist said he was gone for the day. 'Oh, okay,' I said. 'I'll call back tomorrow.' To which she replied, in a booming God-like voice, "Tomorrow is the Sabbath!" I'm sure I thanked her, but all I remember about that moment is thinking, 'Oh FUCK! I hope I didn't give my name.'"

  • If I were on "America's Got Talent," I would cry.
  • In high school, I was known for In graduation superlatives, I was named Class Flirt.
  • Best musical? Purlie.

Susan was named one of The World’s Sexiest Rabbis. That’s all you need to know.