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Rabbi Matthew Gewirtz

Why JewBelong?

"Because you guys get it. You totally get that we have a story to tell and wisdom to help bring meaning to our world....but also understand that we have done a lousy job at doing so....and you are creating a path where it is not only important, but attractive."

Do you have a quick JewBarrassment story?

"I have so many....especially when I applied to rabbinic school and they asked when the last time was that I read a book on Jewish history...and I honestly answered: 'The Fifth grade.' They still admitted me. They say the virtue of honesty was more important than my illiteracy. Thank God!"

  • I can cook a mean Chicken on the pot (it is what my family calls it).
  • The last time I forgot sunscreen was I always forget it. Yikes, I still love getting tan and yet I am hypochondriacal about getting cancer :).
  • My dog/cat is great at 1 thing and 1 thing only. It's stealing the most food-obsessive dog ever!
  • Bartender! Please make me a(n) always a delicious single malt scotch....a really yummy and big one.
  • Best musical? I still love Scapinio...Jim Dale...I can still feel the excitement.

Rabbi Matthew D. Gewirtz began his tenure as the Senior Rabbi of Congregation B’nai Jeshurun in July 2006. A strong advocate of social justice, Matt is a founding executive committee member of the Newark Coalition for Hope and Peace, an interfaith organization of Jews, Christians and Muslims that is committed to ending gang violence in Newark. He appears as a commentator on religion on MSNBC’s Morning Joe and CNN’s State of the Union.

Matt is married to Lauren Rutkin, who is a philanthropy advisor, and they are the proud parents of Jake, Natalia, and Sadie. Rabbi Gewirtz is also an ardent fan of baseball (NY Mets) and football (NY Jets) and serves on the Newark Museum Council.