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Rabbi Danielle Eskow

Why JewBelong?

"Judaism needs to speak to people in their own language. JewBelong meets people where they are, makes Judaism accessible and cool. Judaism doesn't have to be boring, we can make it cool, make it stand out, make it hot pink!"

Do you have a quick JewBarrassment story?

"I feel like I have too many to count! One that comes to mind is when I was a chaplain in rabbinical school I visited a patient who had open heart surgery. To say I am bad in medical situations is an understatement. If you mention the word "needle" or "bloodwork" I turn green. I was visiting this patient and all of a sudden the world started spinning and I blacked out and fainted. Next thing I knew I was in the ER. Talk about reverse roles! I was there to offer support and now I was the patient! Oy!"

  • If I were on "America's Got Talent," I would do Disney character voices.
  • I absolutely refuse to share my carbs of any kind and diet coke.
  • In high school, I was known for having great hair, and my maiden name "Gobuty" or as people said, "Gobooty!"
  • I can cook a mean eggplant parm.
  • The last time I forgot sunscreen was never - I am so pasty!
  • My favorite TV show ever is obviously FRIENDS and Schitt's Creek.
  • Don't judge, but my retainer is on my nightstand.
  • Aside from JewBelong, my favorite Instagram influencer/feed is @joshuamalina (because he also gets what it means to stand up against antisemitism and is proud to show his Judaism!
  • My dog/cat is great at 1 thing and 1 thing only. It's barking and being angry at my kids.
  • Karaoke? Count me in! I’m singing The Music Man or anything country.
  • Bartender! Please make me a margarita!
  • If Lady Gaga is playing, I’ll be on the dance floor.
  • Best musical? I'm a traditionalist in this regard... Phantom. Phantom all the way.

Rabbi Dani Eskow is the visionary, CEO, and co-founder of Online Jewish Learning, a pioneer in online Jewish education and outreach. Dani graduated from Brandeis University and The Jewish Theological Seminary with degrees in Psychology, Jewish Studies, Hebrew, and Scriptural Interpretation. When Dani is not “entrepreneur-ing” all day she is the chaos coordinator and Mom of 3 young children, skiing in Vermont, or traveling. Dani is also the coordinator and volunteer leader of Jewber, an organization that provides free Shabbat and Holiday meals to Holocaust Survivors in the Greater Boston area. When she has time, she sleeps and rides her Peloton. 🙂