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Hen Mazzig

Why JewBelong?

"No Jewish child should grow up feeling unwelcome because of who they are. They will not stick around. Investing in inclusivity is investing in a Jewish future. That's why JewBelong matters."

  • I absolutely refuse to share my Instagram password.
  • In high school, I was known for being the joker.
  • I can cook a mean Sabich (Iraqi Jewish dish).
  • The last time I forgot sunscreen was I don't use it...
  • My favorite TV show ever is obviously SNL.
  • Aside from JewBelong, my favorite Instagram influencer/feed is @jewishgirlprobs.
  • Best musical? Wicked obv!

Hen Mazzig is a globally-recognized speaker, educator, and digital influencer. Over 100 million users have interacted with his online content, and he has appeared as an expert on Jewish issues on four continents, hundreds of college campuses, BBC, The Washington Post, SkyNews, TEDx, and countless Shabbat dinners. He was named in Algemeiner’s top 100 people positively influencing Jewish life in 2018 and 2021, the top 50 online pro-Israel Influencers, and Top 50 LGBTQ+ Influencers. Hen Mazzig’s first book, “Bad Jew” will be released in 2022.