Passover is coming! Get your Passover Haggadah today!

Ethan Zohn

Why JewBelong?

"It's time to "re-brand" being Jewish. and JB is the cool, new, trendy, no judgment, all inclusive one stop shop for all things Jewy."

Do you have a quick JewBarrassment story?

"When I was playing Survivor Africa in 2001, I won a mystery plate of food...which happened to be a big breakfast plate full of ham, bacon, butter, and pancakes. Shame on CBS TV!!!! How dare you give a starving, Jewish kid free ham on TV in front of 27 million viewers. Moral of the story, I didn't eat the ham and went win the $1mm and become the first Jewish winner of Survivor."

  • I absolutely refuse to share my mom's brisket recipe.
  • The last time I forgot sunscreen was Playing Survivor on The Edge Of Extinction in Fiji.
  • My favorite TV show ever is obviously Seinfeld ... and Survivor.
  • Don't judge, but an electronic nail file is on my nightstand.
  • Aside from JewBelong, my favorite Instagram influencer/feed is #TheCabinChronicles.
  • My dog/cat is great at 1 thing and 1 thing only. It's hiding in cardboard boxes.
  • Karaoke? Count me in! I'm singing,"REM: It's the End of the World as We Know It".
  • Bartender! Please make me a Paloma.
  • Best musical? Damn Yankees.

Survivor: Africa winner, former pro soccer player, Grassroot Soccer co-founder, inspired philanthropist, 2x cancer survivor, motivational speaker, author, medical cannabis advocate, big dreamer, pickle freak.