rosh hashanah essentials

Tashlich is the symbolic gesture of Teshuvah, or repentance, as we empty our pockets of our sins and cast them away. Tashlich literally means “casting off” and involves symbolically casting off the sins of the previous year by tossing pieces of bread or the lint in our pockets into a body of water.
We take this time to reflect on our mistakes. In addition to our sins, we have negative baggage that we carry around every day. Fears, stubbornness, anger, competitiveness… feelings inside us that we perhaps needed at one point, but are ready to let go of. Lightening our load of bad feelings and making space for good and positive energy will allow us to go into this New Year with a clean slate and have more peace in our daily lives. Here are some easy steps to follow:
1. Get into the mindset: Start with the readings on page 19 of JewBelong’s free High Holiday booklet. They’ll help you get into the right mindset to think about what you need to let go of (guilt, habits, shame, etc.) Essentially whatever you need to release to start your year with a clean slate. You know the stuff we mean.
2. Find running water: Find running water. A creek or a river is best but you can improvise with a sink or bathtub. Just make sure to do something, because this physical act of casting off sins is powerful.
3. Start visualizing: Take a deep breath and visualize whatever weighs you down floating away. Don’t rush this part. This prayer by Rabbi Rachel Barenblat will help:
Here I am again ready to let go of my mistakes. Help me to release myself from all the ways I’ve missed the mark. As I cast this bread upon the waters, lift my troubles off my shoulders. Help me to know that last year is over, washed away like crumbs in the current. Open my heart to blessing and gratitude.
Renew my soul as the dew renews the grasses. Amen.
4. Cast it off: Then, whoosh, cast it away! It’s best to use breadcrumbs as a stand-in so you are actually tossing something.
Take another deep breath. You’ve earned it!

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