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Yom kippur essentials


Even God can’t forgive you for lying to your mom. Yom Kippur only addresses the sins or wrongdoings we commit against God, not the ones we commit against other people. To make up for sins against people, you need to seek reconciliation and forgiveness directly. Like, you can’t ask God to forgive you for lying to your mother. You need to ask forgiveness for that. According to tradition though, if you apologize three times to someone, and you really mean it, you have done your best to make amends. You don’t have to keep apologizing. You can go into Yom Kippur knowing that you’ve done what is required.

Speaking of God, this is also the day he/she/whatever you believe/don’t believe, decides who will be sealed in the Book of Life and gets to live for another year. Try not to worry though, because we have an entire day (actually, 25 hours) to ask for forgiveness for all the sins of the past year, and if that’s still not enough time, a basic Jewish idea is that God/Spirit will always want to forgive anyway, not just on Yom Kippur.

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