so then...
is jewbelong a synagogue?
No. JewBelong isn’t a synagogue. But it’s complicated. Judaism is, at its core, a communal religion, and it’s very hard to do alone. For some people, synagogue is the heart of their community and a place they look forward to being. Lots of others go out of habit or guilt, especially Holocaust guilt. (Like, our ancestors were murdered because they were Jewish… the least we can do is go to synagogue once a year, right? Well…not exactly.)
People’s relationship with their synagogue can be, well… complicated. Many synagogues across the United States are sucking air right now. They’re losing membership and can’t seem to excite people enough to join or come to synagogue more than occasionally. Many of them are trying hard to figure out what will make their congregations thrive, especially beyond Hebrew school. Synagogues are an important center of Jewish community though. And there are lots of different kinds of synagogues out there, maybe even one that you will love.
Side note for synagogue goers: synagogue membership is not an excuse for NOT practicing your Judaism with joy and connection.
On the other hand, the wise Abraham Heschel has this to say: “The center of Judaism is in the home. In contrast to other religions, it is at home where the essential celebrations and acts of observance take place, rather than in the synagogue or temple. The synagogue is an auxiliary. A Jewish home is where Judaism is at home, where Jewish learning, commitment, sensitivity to values are cultivated and cherished.” So yes, you can have a hearty Jewish practice even if you never leave home.
We know – we didn’t really answer the question. Honestly, you need to answer this one on your own. We do think that Jewish community of some sort is important and that it will add to your life in ways you may not be aware of yet. If synagogue just isn’t for you, you might want to try finding a Jewish community somewhere else, like a JCC. Or with a group of like-minded people, called chavurahs.